*note all images can be enlarged by clicking on them.
This image shows the bridge in its position in the
valley. The large and imposing structures on the natural valley give a sense of
power in regard to the headquarters on either side and the meeting space in the
middle. Facebook Headquarters which is on the right consists of a suspension
bridge that spans out nearly 80 meters from the cliff wall. It inspires
Facebook through the same minimalistic yet technologically advanced simple
design. A concrete floor is held up through a series of steel columns which
divide the large glass spanning walls. The structure itself imposes very
strongly on the natural environment and creates a strong sense of domination
over the local setting. Coca Cola, on the left, is a steel structures that also
suspends from a long steel column located 30 meters back from the cliff face.
The bridge walkway leads out the steel structure that has many circles glass
windows of random sizes and positions on it. This represents the nature of the
product that Coca Cola provides the carbonated variety of drinks that they
flood the market with and we as consumers have almost subconsciously developed
an addiction to.
This image shows the meeting place with the Coca
Cola entrance on the left hand side and the Facebook with its elevator on the
right. The concept of power is exercised again with the
imposing type of building being very large and bold in a natural landscape
encouraging the feeling of dominance. The facebook elevator is an enclosed
glass structure that like the Coca Cola lift is operated through the
use of a cable and a motor located on the lift itself to move it. The use of
colour also adds to the feeling of power by using dark and bold colours that
give a sense of empowerment over the natural landscape.
This image capture focuses on the Coca Cola
Headquarters located on the southern side of the Valley. The use of the circle
windows that are of different sizes and in random locations are to create the
connection with the product that the Coca Cola company create their
range of carbonated beverages. The technical aspects of these windows in these
steel walls also adds to the concept of domination as it quite advanced
technology and furthermore adds to the exclusive power position that the
company holds globally. The red steel curves that wrap their way along the
headquarters are a representation of the exact proportion used in the curves of
the Coca Cola logo along with the colour red creates a further connection. The
colours used other than the red also encourage the power that the company has
with strong dark colours being used that give off a sense of the domination
Coca Cola have worldwide. Again the structure sits very imposingly within the
natural landscape of the local environment continuing this concept of
domination and power over the Valley.
This image capture looks towards the south and down
the hallway of the Coca Cola Headquarters the image is taken from inside the
public meeting space. The office spaces for the executives can be seen on the
right hand side of the corridor. The dark steel columns that frame the glass
wall in this area can be seen on the right hand side of the image. The textures
used in the Coca Cola headquarters are from the Rotational and Liquid styled Textures as they represent and create the link with the Company and also provide the exclusive feeling of power within the structure.
This image is looking across the valley over to the Facebook headquarters from the Coca Cola headquarters side. The lift is a steel floor which has a motor beneath it which allows the travel up and down along the cable to the lunch room. The balustrade is based again on the curves that are common throughout the logo of the company as well as the colour that is globally recognized and associated with the company.
This aerial image capture looks across
the valley to the south from the Facebook side. The Suspension structure
representing the materialistic approach that Facebook has and also
their concept of connecting people in this case the headquarters with the post
holding it up. The rooms that branch off on either side are dedicated to higher
more exclusive members within the company as they have a higher more powerful
responsibility to the Company. They will then return to the meeting room and
main office area and up the executive stairs to the lift platform and then out
onto the lift to attend their lunch.
This is an image inside the Facebook headquarter
which shows the main meeting room and spaces where some offices will be
located. Off to either sides are other office spaces for executive members of
the company with a more exclusive position of power within the company. At the
end of the room is where the executive stairs are located which lead to the
lift platform before CEO's and the like will step out onto the lift and descend
to the lunch meeting place. The texture used on the floor was from the scalar translation
movement textures as they not only show quite a large and powerful position to
the floor but also come across as a technical and advanced look with sharp
edges that suits the company Facebook for their headquarters. All the steel
posts that frame the glass walls have been painted blue to create a further
more literal connection to the company Facebook with overall colour scheme
being blue and white which is easily identified as the colours of
This image is showing the entry to the lunch meeting room for the Coca Cola employees. The closing tunnel which leads into the large open luncheon room creates the sense of exclusivity as people will walk into the area. The table and seating is located on a raised platform which leads to a furthermore feeling that only people with the highest of power from either company will be able to access. The textures used in this part of the bridge incorporate sketches from the scalar translation and jagged sketches, the scalar as these often showed an expanding pattern which can be interpreted as rising to a certain point or position of power. this can be seen in the texture on the floor in the image capture. The meting place again incorporates a lot of glass which powerful buildings often do as to promote the domination over other more standard designed structures. This also allows for the greatest views throughout the valley and therefore the most desired position only allocated to the deserving counterparts from each Company.
This image shows the dining table and seating arrangements located on the raised podium. The heads of the table is reserved for the heads or CEO's of the respective companies. This gives them the highest positioned place on the table giving them clear domination over their employees. Again colour was also used here to help distinguish the powerful places. Black being a bold and strong colour has been reserved to the two chairs located at the ends of the table for the leaders of each company whereas the remaining chairs for any of their guests have been left the more mellow and less bold colour of white. After these executives have finished their lunch they will then be able to move out onto the balcony and further discuss topics of business before returning up their respective elevators into their company's headquarters.
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